My Precious Thoughts Manifested into Not So Precious Words


My name is Keith Evans and this is my blog. I re-iterate, MY blog. You may be immensely entertained by the things I write. You may also be disgusted and angered beyond beliefe by the things I right. I am honored to ignite emotion inside of you either way. All I ask is that if you criticize, have a point. If you are showering me with compliments, then no point is needed. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chicken Suit For The Soul

Chicken Suit For The Soul

So, how do I go about this?

          First off, let me just say, it’s really nice to be typing my blog on a computer instead of writing them from behind the confines of jail. With that being said, I’m sort of leery of my content, post incarceration. It seems to me that focus is so much easier when all your freedom is stripped from you. Freedom provides access to distraction, and right now, distraction is my number one enemy. But alas, I keep moving forward. I expect all who follow my blogs to continue to travel this path with me. The only thing I ask is that you show me a little fucking respect and refrain from bullshitting me. I want your input (said the robotic slut to her human male companion). If you feel I start slack in my writings, comment about it. If you feel in total disagreement to the things I say, comment about it. If you agree with all of my rantings and simply want to shower me with verbal praise, well dag nabbit, comment about it.
The Evans From The Heavens blog, and even more so, the Digital Lizard Productions website has been experiencing some major effing growth. Our daily views have been growing day by day. Our web series video views have been flourishing as well. The one thing I personally feel is lacking is the comments. Please people, just do me a favor. This can be your version of giving me a “welcome Home” or “Jail Graduation” gift. Comment, comment, comment. Got nothing to say? Just say hi. We not only want to entertain you and please you, but we also want your feedback, it pleases us. Mutual pleasure is the best kind ya know.

“I’m a fly Malcolm X, by any jeans necessary” – Kanye West

          Speaking of pleasure, upon my release from the clinker, I was bombarded with emails, facebook messages, and the like, informing of Kanye West’s MTV VMA performance of his new song Runaway. In their own individual way, every message was the same; “Keith, that song Runaway is your theme song”. After finally illegally downloading said song (and crying tears of personal defeat and triumph) I was inclined to agree. I then began to learn of Kanye West’s re-emergence into our lives. He kind of went silent after his Taylor-slaying (an emotionally violent act I fully support), and personally, the only thing I had heard from him was his leak single Power which debuted shortly before I went into my “coma”.
Again, how do I go about this?

          Be you a Yeezy fan or not, his musical genius is slightly undeniable. It was just common sense to assume that he would return shortly with yet another soundscape of phenomenal proportions. What many may not have seen coming was Mr. West’s directorial debut. I was pleasantly appalled to discover that on October 23rd, 2010, Kanye would be premiering not a video for Runaway, but a short film (simultaneously on MTV, MTV2, and some really shitty channel called BET). Oh how Michael Jackson of Kanye to pull off something of this unimportance.

          But that’s thing I think I love and hate about Kanye at the same time. He’s not only an amazing producer and an extremely under-rated lyricist. He’s managed to successfully allow his celebrity to magnify who he is, kind of like Spider-Man’s symbiotic black costume (whoa, that was a pun I did not intend to intend, but pretty fucking funny). Kanye West IS the ambassador of unnecessary excess, which in turn, makes him the ambassador of this country. He’s as American as Hawaiian black Presidents and I Phone apps that urinate for you. Well, the ambassador’s back, in total full effect. The Kanye twitter era is a perfect example;

“Is it super lonely and miserable to buy yourself a Cartier love bracelet... well I guess I do love myself lol!!!” – Kanye West via Twitter


          I mean this motherfucker bought himself a Cartier love bracelet, purely on the general principle that he loves himself. I couldn’t have done it worse myself. . . . . and believe me, I’ve tried. Let’s not even mention the ridiculous situation of his alleged banned album cover. I mean let’s be honest, the picture (apparently some piece of art Kanye liked and probably bought for way more than it was worth) is fugly anyways, yet this, somehow, is an issue that is suppose to add to the “I Love/Hate Kanye” movement. And funny thing is, it’s working.

          So, I’m sitting in front of the television, 7pm central standard time, completely expecting a “film” that exhibits all the eclectic, pricey sagaciousness that is Mr. West. First scene, the Louis Vitton Don is running frantically down a wooded back road. Open white button down, black slacks, and probably a pair of $12,000 shoes that aren’t fit for running. Cut to him driving in a Lambo down same road, minutes before an apparent comet (or meteor) crashes into his ride, leaving behind Selita Ebanks dressed like a hot chicken as road kill. Let the gratuitous esoteric visual journey begin.

          The rest is filled with random cuts of slo-mo explosions and pseudo artistic gibberish, not to mention a lot of hilarious moments in which the scene cuts to Kanye’s face for no apparent reason. To be honest, Kanye’s acting is pretty downright sad (as it probably should be, seeing as though he’s such a character already, becoming an open shell is probably an unattainable concept). His best non rapping moment is when he audibly copulates the chicken lady with his MPC2000 XL. On the other hand however, Selita Ebanks (Victoria Secret’s model and apparently ex-fiancée’ of Nick Cannon) actually does an amazing job in the role of the chicken lady. She captured the physical animation of her non earthly chicken character, all the way down to her gorgeous nervous ticks. I’m not sure what other roles she’s ever played (and don’t really care enough to go to IMDB to investigate), but purely based on what I saw of her in this short film (and believe me, we’re treated to seeing a decent portion of her) I would love to see her tackle a good script. Now I know what you’re going to say; “Keith, she’s suppose to be a phoenix”. That’s all fine and dandy, but my name’s Keith Evans, I’m a 33 year old African-American male and I definitely know a hot piece of chicken when I see it.

          Besides the fact that I fully expected for Mr. West to completely over indulge his “artistic” vision with a lot of incomprehensible, inventive, and intense imagery, I was atleast looking for the self dubbed “short film” Runaway to actually depict some sort of illustration of the actual song Runaway. The reason I so love the song is because of it honest testimony from an asshole’s point of view. Now, yes, I do get that any self respecting asshole with wealth WOULD probably have a weekend love affair with a bird lady every now and again. I was just hoping for something more along the lines of film narrating music, or vice versa. Sometimes expecting Kanye to do one thing is a sure fire way to receive something completely contradictory.

Thanks to this film, there’s a few things I learned about Kanye that I didn’t know, but was not at all surprised to discover;

1. When Kanye hosts a dinner party, you are required to wear all white, the same color as his slaves that will serve you. Classic.
2. Much like my daughter, Kanye West is not a huge fan of socks. Now, I understand that there’s an entire fashion world out there that embraces the idea of not wearing dress socks with expensive Italian footwear, however, in the world I live in, it’s sweaty and gross.
3. If you are a bird, and you plan on dating Kanye West, do not be shocked if on your first date, he takes to a dinner and serves your mother as the main entrée. In his mind, that’s just your fault for being a bird.
4. The only news Kanye watches is foreign news.
5. Kanye owns 3 pets (besides his chicken head girlfriend) which are a rabbit, a fawn, and some kind of long tailed sheep hybrid created by the oil spill.
6. Kanye managed to put on a better Celebration of Life parade for Michael Jackson than the Staples Center or the city of Gary Indiana ever could. And his was just for the enjoyment of himself and his chicken lady.

          All in all, it was artsy enough, weird enough, and conceited enough to be talked about until his
album is released. If the music that served as this “film’s” score was any indication of what the album will sound like, I’m in. If, at the very least, this short film inspires women to be the “sexy Chicken Lady” for Halloween, I’m definitely in.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


In the spring of 2010, Digital Lizard’s own Keith Evans was incarcerated. Through written letters in envelopes stamped “INDIGENT MAIL” and sporadic 15 minute phone calls, DLP mastermind Michael Goodpaster has kept in touch with the actor, writer, musician, standup comedian, and loving father.

This interview was planned to be released on 10/5(Keith’s Birthday), but we did not take into account the rather slow mail process. Nevertheless, here are fifteen questions with Keith Evans about how jail life really is and what his plans are upon release.

1. Hear any good jokes lately?

Well actually there’s that one that almost every temporary bad ass tells. Something about all the pricey icey things they “own” (i.e. whips, rims, jewelry, flat screens) and all the “balling” they were doing in the streets, meanwhile they have $250 bonds they conveniently can’t afford to pay. Ha-Ha, get it? Me neither.

2. Is jail anything like you see in the movies or on TV?

Only in the way where most of the inmates here act like they wonder the same thing. In my opinion, jail is like 24 hour detention with every annoying ass clown you attended school with continuously acting out that short 15 seconds in Dangerous Minds right before Michelle Pfeiffer walks in for her first day… if that makes any sense. It’s really loud and theatrical also.

3. Is the common male fear of “dropping the soap” really something to worry about in LCJ?

It is, but from a totally different aspect. The jail is so filthy and dirty and the urban legend of MRSA is so rampant, there’s been times I dropped my soap and screamed “Noooo!!!” Otherwise, the showers aren’t locker room or bath house style so if someone wants to risk a staph infection in their own ass just to jump inside a one man shower and tap THIS…? By all means, it’s almost flattering.

4. Your choice: Favorite meal or be able to watch your favorite movie, which and what would that pick be?

Wow, so many pros & cons with both. I’d have to say movie, as long as the stips include a theater screen and Alanis Morrisette giving e that “cinematic blowjob” she’s bragged about all these years. I’d have to pick Almost Famous. I literally watched Fight Club two weeks ago and it’d be nice to feel emotions again.

5. Have you considered starting an all inmate football team to take on the guards like in “The Longest Yard”?

I was just talking about that, with the realization that till they put me in the hole, I was Chris Rock’s “care taker” character.

6. What is one fact about jail that would surprise those who have not been “in the clinker”?

There’s no black guy with dreads in a wheel chair narrating your every move.

7. tells us in their FAQ that it currently costs an average of $52.61 per DAY to keep an adult inmate incarcerated. How much has tax payers chipped into to keep you behind bars? How would you rather spend this money?

Let’s see, upon my October 18th release I will have served 132 days. So that’s $6,944.52. REALLY?!? Do you know much drugging and drunk driving I can do in one night…? Oh wait, so $6,944.52 times two is?

8. What Prince song is jail most like?

Since jail is shitty and the only thing I can equate from shitty and Prince is Graffiti Bridge, I’d have to say…………………………….

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Best/Worst Out Of 7

(Composed: 10/04/10)

“I’ve got pride in the way I walk

I’ve got pride in the way I talk

I’ve got pride in the way I act

I’ve got pride, and that’s a fact”

-Lyrics to some alleged motivational song we were forced to sing at my 6th grade graduation.

Funny how I remember that song so vividly. So vividly that if I were to return to the now abandoned Banneker Elementary School, and stroll into its “cafetorium” (I love ill-advised, cross-bred words), I could point out the exact spot in which I stood as I sang it. Ever so vividly, that after my 3rd day of solitary confinement in “the hole”, (A result of more snitching and falsehoods aimed at myself by a group of 20 year old fuckbags, who, no doubt, harbor severe jealousy towards me for my intelligence, sarcastically humorous tones, and ability to manipulate the system to my liking while they fail horribly using their “gangland” approach), I find myself singing it loudly, as not to go crazy, ironically enough.

When a person is forced into solitude for a long period of time, it has a strange affect. It forces the person into a sort of odd journey of discovery about themselves. Some crack under the pressure, resulting in extreme deviant behavior like fling their own feces at the guards or using it as paint for their own graffiti. They scream a lot. They begin to conversate with themselves. The negative outlets are endless. Some simply shut down any and all social skills, ultimately retreating to the safe confines of reading material, some writing, artwork, or the like. All, however, are forced to do a lot of thinking and self evaluation. Though necessary in life, these acts of self reflection can be as damaging to your present as they are helpful to your future. I, personally, love this type of shit. Walk with me as I share my thoughts, theories, and half assed solutions with you.

Let’s go back to those care-free GINKru days. Specifically to the moment when we adopted the 7 Deadly Sin philosophy. For those unaware, GINKru was an extracurricular, after school group/hip hip group/crew of friends/wonderful clusterfuck founded back in 1992 by junior high class mates Emas Bennet, Mark Harris, Morry Davis, Larry Dowell, and myself. Like any group of schoolmates during their pubescent years, there evolved plenty of “Gossip Girl” or “90210” moments. New members acquired, others lost, the brand itself continues. During our high school years, our then 7 man squad latched on to the 7 Deadly Sins concept. It was an almost automatic fit (for at least 5 of us.) and to be quite honest, very Wu-Tang at the time. I, obviously, was dubbed Pride, unaware how much this would escalate my already proud nature. If I were to write a press junket today, it’d be “boy band laughable” at best. Mark (Lust) loved the ladies. Larry (Angry/Wrath), the menacing emcee. Morry (Greed) the money loving, self proclaimed “Jew” (go figure), so on and so forth. As for myself: shit talking, ego-centric, bradadocious, loud and proud was my demeanor. This all stemmed from a childhood that rollercoastered from intense grammar school popularity to eye awaking unpopularity in middle school. Stir it all together, and by the time high school came, I was begging to be not liked just for the opportunity to response “Fuck You”. The eventually became my ultimate basis for being, till this day.

Despite me not necessarily fitting the physical mode of success and luxury, pride has gotten me in a lot of grand situations. Pride allows me to take the things I AM good at (wit, humor, intellect, social skills, debate, and musicality), amplify them, and present it with a confidence that most have no choice but to submit to. If I believed in the world “swagger”, I might have to say I had a healthy amount. It is pride however, not swagger, that has gotten me jobs I not normally should have had, women that normally should have been “out of my league”, entrance into places and social circles I should normally not be in, and escapes from ass whippings that normally should have been administered without question. It is pride that fuels my music, my acting, my cunalingus, and this blog. It is pride that has allotted me certain opportunities. It is pride that’s sprinkled small tastes of the “Fame Monster” lifestyle on my taste buds, causing my appetite for a more consistent and bountiful diet.

It is also pride that has destroyed certain opportunities. Pride has, often enough made it impossible for me to reciprocate love, the way society dictates that one should. Price has cut short many a blossoming and healthy relationship, both romantic and platonic. Pride has put me in the center of volatile situations, only allowing me to fight, bite, claw, and kick my way out. It’s because of pride that I have hurt the loved ones around me and alienated myself. Pride has made me an asshole and it’s because of that pride that I am strangely proud to……………………………

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“I Miss You”

(Composed: 09/29/10)

I’m generally not a person who participates in the act of “missing” shit. I do have fits of missing certain things and people at times, but I’m mostly a person of adaptation when it comes to my surroundings. Add to that fact that when I do “miss” something or someone, I don’t bitch about it, choosing not to inflate the feeling anymore than needed.

With that said, here is a list of things I drastically miss while during my 132 day vay-cay at Le Chateau De Lake County Jail; (in no particular order)

1. My daughter Kay J

2. Good humor

3. The freedom to masturbate when I want

4. Decent food in general

5. Female skin

6. Female scent(even the fishy kind)

7. Watching The Office in a peaceful environment.

8. Nachos

9. Alcohol

10. Scratching my nuts without the fear of some hood motherfucker thinking I’m “jacking off”.

11. Facebook

12. Felica Baron

13. Music

14. “Creative” meetings for DLP “business”

15. Second City

16. Showering with a loofah

17. Drinking clean water

18. Regular changes of clothes

19. Cigarettes

20. Not sleeping among snitches

21. Watching/Bitching about the Kardashians

22. Sydney Chapman

23. My apartment

24. Wrestling

25. Hanging out with my friends

26. Cursing/Pissing off my enemies………………

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“There Is Something About Amy”

(Composed: 09/20/10)

Red flags. I’ve gotta be honest, I haven’t been very good with them as of late. In “as of late” I mean roughly within the past 5 years. You see, prior to 2005, you probably could’ve labeled me the Red Flag King, almost to the point where most people I thought I was just some paranoid freak. In hindsight though, I avoided a lot of problems and kept everything from drifting out of my immediate peaceful control.

Meanwhile, as I sit here in LCJ, I’m provided with lots of “thinking time”. This is no good for a person of my intellect. Amongst other things, I tend to dwell on issues I’ve not been able to solve. One of these issues is the demise and downfall of my relationship with my child’s mother. Now, this is less of a “pining” over type of thing and more of a “this is going to eat at me if I don’t figure this out” type of thing. It’s been so confusing because of the blatantly instant connection we shared from day one. In other words, upon out first meeting, Ms. Woerpel and I were to humor and good times what Edward and Bella were to self loathing and heroin-esque moodiness, soul mates.

Inseparable, impenetrateable, and completely bullshit proof is what we were. There was no possible way this fun loving, no worries, sweet heart could ever morph into vindictive, easily angered bitch. Now, slow down. None of these words are meant to be harmful. Before Amy, I only dated bitches. I love them. As a certified asshole, a bitch is merely my natural female counterpart. What I am against is sudden change. I like ice cream AND chicken. Not a big fan when ice cream all of sudden starts to taste like chicken though. With that being said, when you’re under the impression you’re in a relationship with that fun and witty Cameron Diaz character, then you wake up and she’s turned into your cliché’ reality show female villain, it’s a bit unsettling.

Then I think, why did I not heed to the red flags, like the very first argument we had, resulting in a Mountain Dew can being thrown at...........

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