My Precious Thoughts Manifested into Not So Precious Words


My name is Keith Evans and this is my blog. I re-iterate, MY blog. You may be immensely entertained by the things I write. You may also be disgusted and angered beyond beliefe by the things I right. I am honored to ignite emotion inside of you either way. All I ask is that if you criticize, have a point. If you are showering me with compliments, then no point is needed. Enjoy.

Friday, November 27, 2009

This is JUST a test

I'm just testing my ability to blog from my berry... So just consider this a sound check.
Blah blah blah, fuck the system!
Blog blog blog, gay people cry too much!
Yadda yadda yadda, I can't stop watching reality shows featuring Armenians

Picture of the moment